аааа Rudolf / RudikЕ
ааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа L. ROMANKOV
Time, like
memories, often repeats itself. There are periods when life becomes interrupted
and slips into an almost dream-like trance. ааааTime isа made up of events.
And memory, by some low of its own, selects from the rich tapestry of life
those destined to remain with us forever. Only in this case, history itself broughtа into play a
considerable interruption of time, on that lasted twenty eight yearsЕ
Before his
defection, he sent most of the time we had together listening, hungrily
feasting on our diet. On the novels of Remarque, Oldington
and Hemingway, which had just come out. On the political
revelations only then coming to light. And on the sports which we were all so
mad about, whether it was rugby on the beach or in the snow − making up
the rules as we went along ─ or semiprofessionalа volleyball or downhill skiingЕ
For some unexplained
reason, his first major performance was СТCayaneТТ. Perhaps
ааааааааааааааааааааааа СТIt had been a delightful
evening, followed by that beautiful walk back to the School. My new friends,
and the
ааааааааааааааааааааааа White nights, and those
busy аclouds
racing across the sky as if they knew аexactly
where they going ─ all that
аааааааааааааааааааааааа Filled
me with joy. I, too, suddenly had the feeling that I knew where I was
racing toЕТТ
30 years
later, he presented me with a copyа of his book, inscribing in it: СТThe
wings may be a bit heavier, but my joy at our meeting is no less now than it
was thanЕТТ
When people
you know become rich and / or famous, you feel a little timid about reminding
then of your existence. You donТt want to appear as if youТre after then for
something and you donТt want to be suspected of mercenary or snobbish motives. Personally,
I always think itТs better to wait for some sort of gesture on their behalf. RudikТs gesture took the form of a charming woman from
Paris, Douce Francois, who only with great difficulty
was finally ably to locate us in 1988. we realized
then that he had remembered us, that he wanted to see us, that nothing had been
Pares, 1990:
He and the ballet master Pilyakov are working on a
production at the opera house. TheyТre rehearsing. In my unsophisticated
opinion, Rudik and Polyakov
areа dressed
like two clowns: baggy trousers and sassy waistcoats and such. TheyТre
demonstrating how some positions or movements are supposed to be danced and
doing it all from memoryЕ